Saturday, July 23, 2011

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Lantech CEO says recession will make strong companies stronger - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
From its headquarters at 11000 Bluegrass Parkwaygin Jeffersontown, Lantech sells pallet-wrapping equipment costing between $10,000 and $300,00 each to some of the world’x largest companies. “Eighty percent of what your readersx buy comes across one of my machines on its way to the said Lancaster, who is CEO of Lantech. Customera include international consumer companies suchas , and giant “We touch a huge percentage of producte that move as any sort of packaged and we were hit like all the othe r capital equipment companies,” he Yet, Lancaster sees not only his but all strong American businesses, coming out of this recessiom more efficient and ready to invesf in capital equipment after having been on cruise controlo during boom times.
“j feel better about the prospectds ofthis country’s competitiveness than I did three, four or five yearw ago,” he said. “I’m not the only one thinkinfg about getting the cost structure of my compantunder control. People are focused on their making what happens in their fourwalls “You take that times a bunchb of business, and it’s a big deal in terms of the competitiveness of this country.” Not that it’sx been fun. And not that the economy is back.
Lancaster said 2008 started out well on pace to tophis 37-year-old company’s best year ever, 2007, when Lantech had about $120 million in gross As of May 2008, orderd were up 17 percent over May 2007. But in mid-2008, business slowes dramatically, first in the United States, then in Europed and Asia. “When Asia dropped, it didn’y just drop. It stopped,” Lancaster Companies that were leveraged and took 5 percent to 50 percentf revenue hitsare dead, or they’re in the process of Lancaster said. Companies with manageable suchas Lantech, suddenly had the time and incentivde to start restructuring and investing in their businesses.
Lantecgh has no impetus to keep cash in the bank drawing 1 he said. “We’re making way bigget investments in our businessthan (before the downturn). This is not money-managemengt time. This is the time to invesf in productdevelopment … to improve long-term competitiveness.” But last fall, it was time to cut stafc so that Lantech didn’t start losing Lantech has had to cut its local staff to about 300 people, Lancaster Lancaster declined to say how many people he was forcec to cut, but the company had 350 employeesa in Louisville last according to Business First’s Aug. 29 list of the area’s larges t manufacturing firms.
“We just dropped (the work to break even,” Lancaster said. “We didn’t want to (lose and set ourselves up for beinh weaker againstthe competition. We cut not to hold our profitabilitu percentage, but just to break even.” Remaining staff started rethinking how Lantechis run, “making hundred s if not thousands of he said. Lantech saved $2,500 per montn by buying out leases for dumpsters and trash compactors and buyingits own. Renegotiatint phone services savedanother $2,500. Consolidating off-sitw storage areas saved $9,000 per month.
The moneyy saved —hundreds of thousands of dollarsw per monthin non-payroll expensews — kept the company from drastically cutting its work force, Lancaste r said.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Stimulus funds lag health woes - Austin Business Journal:
That’s the view of the eight-member panel of industrty and medical experts who were invited by the Soutn Florida Business Journal to share theie views of whatthe $787 billion federal stimulusz package means to the health care sector. What emergedr was a broad discussion of how stimuluxs legislation is just one piece of chang needed in an industry that has run financially amok due to an overrelianc eon specialists, shortfalls in informatiojn technology and patients who are undereducated.
The Congressional Budget Office has projected that total nationalo spending on health care could hit 48 percent of grosw domestic product by 2050 if left To solve this problem will takemore money, though, in the shory term. The Obama administration’s $59 billion for health care stimulus spendingincludes $19 billion for electronicc health care records. Starting in doctors who can show meaningful use of electronic medicao records will getincentivew – and those who don’t will get declining Medicare payments.
But, the old-fashioned generaol practitioner may also have a big Linda Quick, president of the , said health care reforj legislation that coincides with the stimuluws calls for individuals to have a home locationm or a primary care provider. She said that allowse for “a community location close to home and gettinh more done ina non-institutional, actually high clinical technologt setting.” That, in turn, will also translatre into a less costly location, the panelists Rachel Sapoznik, CEO of , said: “The reasonj I believe in the last 25 yeards of seeing health care costs rise dramaticalluy is we have moved away from the primaryg care physician knowing the patient to Patients go from specialist to specialis t to get each ailmenft treated, but an overview of their condition and familyg history is lacking.
George Foyo, executived VP and chief administrative officerat , said: “Piggybacking on primaruy care is absolutely right. All thesde specialties are adding thousands and thousands of One problem is that specialists tend to overdpo tests because they are so worried about legalliability issues, he said. Dr. Tony Prieto, a familyy practitioner and president of the Broward County Medical said reimbursement issues for tests done in his office alsofrustrate him. A hospitakl might get $2,000 for a test from but he can onlyget “I don’t think it’s anything that’z going to work unless we use some commonb sense,” he said.
Foyo said primargy care physicians historically put an emphasis on healthjprevention efforts, but the lack of it these days is contributinbg to an epidemic of diabetes and heart issues. Baptisf Health, which is well known for hospitala in Kendalland Homestead, is pushing forward with outpatienr centers – and even venturinv into Broward County. One reason is emergency rooms are and providing care there is more costly than at anoutpatieny center. “Rather than have patient s cometo us, the hospitala are going out to them,” Foyo said.
Florida’ss 51 nonprofit community health centers aregetting $28 million in competitive grants under the stimulus legislation, whichy will also keep patients out of expensive hospitakl settings for treatment. House Speaker Nancyg Pelosi highlighted that during an April visi t to a community health center in Hollywood that willget $1.5 million to open a satellite health centert in West Park. One of the advantagex for these types of centers is that they are fundedc with the assumption that their doors will be open to all who which is important because of the number of uninsuredSouthj Floridians, including undocumented Quick said. Dr.
Welby, meet Bill Gates Mark administrative partner at the law firm of in said electronic medicalrecords (EMR) fall underr the category of “shovel-ready” projectes in the world of stimulus – meaning the technologyy exists and can be adopted rapidly to put moneg in the economy.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Equifax: Small biz bankruptcies double in March - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
Portland-Vancouver-Beaverton, Ore.-Wash. Commercial bankruptcies nearlh doubled in March 2009 from March Equifax noted. "The March numbers provide a snapshotrof what's been happening to the smalll business sector during this period of economic said Reza Barazesh, head of Equifax'w North American Commercial Analytical Services in a news release. "Not surprisingly, the highes t number of small-business bankruptciesd are in those parts of the country where home prices havedecreasecd dramatically, unemployment has increased significantly, and credit has becomd tighter." For the analysis, Equifad analyzed both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 filings.
Chapte 7 is a liquidation proceedinhg in which a debtor receives a discharge of all while Chapter 13 is a reorganization bankruptcyh enabling filers to pay off debt over a set perioof years. Equifax reviewed and analyzed small business data for the most recent monthg for which complete datais available.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bernanke Says Fed Has No Plans 'at This Point' to Make More Bond Purchases - Bloomberg

Bernanke Says Fed Has No Plans 'at This Point' to Make More Bond Purchases


“We just want to make sure that we have the options when they become necessary,” Bernanke said. “But, at this point, we're not proposing to undertake that option.” Bernanke said the Fed faces conditions that are different today than they were last ...

Bernanke: Failure To Make Debt Deal Would Be “Calamity”

Voice of America (blog)

Highlights: Bernanke's semiannual testimony to Senate panel


Bernanke: Debt ceiling breach 'calamitous'




Tuesday, July 12, 2011

DFJ, Cisco name business plan finalists - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
The finalists, whose business plan address a diverse group of issues from efficient andaffordable Web-scaler computing to early cancer detection, will be competin from their respective geographic areass and the winning team will receive a minimum seed investmengt of $250,000. The plans of the 16 finalists, many of whicuh have already won localuniversityt competitions, were selected from thousandw of eligible business plans in nine countriess across the globe. The selection was based on various criteriaz including quality ofmanagement team, technical innovation, addressablde market size, competitive positioning, barriers, capital efficiency, and financiakl projections.
The majority of the finaliste are still in the early stagews ofbusiness development. In addition to the financial investment awarded to the bothMenlo Park-based DFJ and San Jose-based Cisco (NASDAQ:CSCO) will assis the winner and finalists in leading the next wave of disruptivw technologies by providing mentorship and professional assessments regarding their submissions. Finalists hail from 15 differengt schools insix countries.
They includde two entries from Stanford Universityg and one each fromRice University, the University of Michigan, UC San Cornell University, University of Southernj California, Fudan University in China, University of Virginia's Dardenj School of Business, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in LBS College of Engineering in India, Universituy of Chicago's Booth School of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, Universityg of Maryland, Tel-Aviv University in Israel and UC Irvine.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Charlene Begley Executive Profile
GE Enterprise Solutions elevates customers' productivity and profitability with integratef solutions using sensorsand non-destructive testing; securitt and life safety technologies; power systemk protection and control; and plant automationj and embedded computing Enterprise Solutions' high-tech, high-growth businesses include Sensing & Inspectio n Technologies, Security, Digital Energy, and GE Fanuc Intelligentf Platforms. The business has 17,000 problem-solving employeess in more than 60 countries arounsthe world. Begley begaj her career at GE in 1988.
She has held a varietg of leadership roles within the company including vice presidentt of operations at GE Capital Mortgage quality leader and chiet financial officer at GETransportation Systems, director of financ for GE Plastics-Europe, vice presidengt of the Corporate Audit Staff and chief executive officer at GE FANUC In January 2003, she was appointede president and chief executive officer of GE Transportation. In July she was named president and chief executivr officer ofGE Plastics. Begley serves on the World Economifc Forum's Young Global Leaders, the GE FANUC Boarr of Directors and the boars of the National Associationof Manufacturers.
She is a graduatw of the Universityof Vermont. She and her husbane have three daughters. **All Executive profile data provided byDow